Had been hunting for a "modern" editor, mostly for browsing code and quick edits. Can't believe that the one that actually fit my requirements was Microsoft's VS Code. On Linux!

  • 3
    VS code is pretty awesome, better than Atom for sure.
  • 1
    VScode is ok - its still alittle heavy for simple things.

    if all i need to do is read - i use atom. for anything else i use a real IDE (IntelliJ, Phpstorm, Xcode, visual studio)
  • 2
    @mattwebdev It's quite a bit faster than Atom but still heavier than Sublime.
  • 0
    If you're on Mac check out Syntra Small for those quick dips into code.
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    @mattwebdev On my machine Atom takes longer to load than VS Code for some reason
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    @pixeltherapy Syntra looks interesting, but only Linux and Windows machines here
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    I like vs code's built in terminal but sublime has better code indententing ,especially for sass.
  • 1
    @LPII Doesn't VS Code have this too? If it doesn't, I'm pretty sure a VS Code extension in the language you're writing will?
  • 1
    vim... A real IDE
  • 2
    Quickly googles VS Code...
  • 1
    I'm going to say this and risk the --'s...I can't stand VS Code
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    @digital216 For reasons or..?
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    I find WebStorm way easier for the coding I do (mostly Node, Typescript, Angular, etc). It's just more capable and intuitive for those languages/environments than VSC
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    @digital216 webstorm/phpstorm are on a different level imo. VScode is meant to be a super texteditor like sublime, where webstorm is a true ide.
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