
This is a really accurate changelog .

  • 19
    Discord and Slack always have the best change logs!
  • 8
    They achieved a new summit in devs lazyness
  • 1
    There is a max lenght for the changes, you know?
    Even if you are willing to do it right, you can't.
  • 2
    Probably, but you can just write
    -UI improvement
    -bug fixes

    Also, to know that their is 20 to 25 fix you have to count them so they can count.

    Actually I didn't really expected a complete chancellog here, I just think that this one is funny and this is probably the intention of the dev 😉
  • 5
    I love clever, funny, and amusing changelogs. Discordd still wins in sheer consistency of delivery, though I do get an occasional pleasant surprise from the Play Store change logs.
  • 5
    Absolutely love discord's changelings!

    Even hike messenger used to have changelogs like "we put all our devs inside a room and locked it until they found these 10 bugs that were bothering you" 😂
  • 0
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