I hate when you finish a project, and have no idea what to work on next! I despise feeling so idle!

  • 1
    If by any chance you are one of the few devs that can sleep, my advice is that to keep a notebook always near you during sleep hours, that way when you wake up write inmediatly the idea or ideas that get stuck in your head. I use that method and check my notebook after finishing a large project, then the hard part is to decide wich one is worth. :D
  • 5
    my friend, you're never finished with a project!
  • 0
    Have you heard of a site called Reddit? Downtime is a pretty glorious thing in our profession, but if you are truly someone who prefers to be constantly busy I can see how that would be annoying.
  • 0
    I keep a notebook near my bed too.
    But I don't even need to wake up to write down my notes. Sometimes I wake up and answers to my problems are written in my notebook.
    I must have been sleepwalking again.
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