I'm sorry. I don't mean it. This is too dark. 😂

  • 5
    Apple haters incomming in 3... 2...
  • 6
    @Cheeseus Family haters incomming in 3... 2...
  • 2
    Hello there!
  • 2
    @hubiruchi Trash haters incomming in 3... 2...
  • 3
    @BakerMcBaker moving haters incomming in 3... 2...
  • 7
    @hubiruchi "Moving hater" here. God damnit I hate moving furniture.

    And god forbid you have a truck! Then all of your stupid acquaintances will come out of the woodworks needing help to move shit! An entire afternoon gone! "Oh you got pizza from the worst cheapest pizza place in town? Oh thank you so much!"

  • 2
    @BakerMcBaker now I know not to buy a truck. And not to buy the cheapest pizza if I use help
  • 3
    @hubiruchi This is why I make the pizzas myself and use lots of actual spices and cheeses. 😊

    Did this when I was like 16 and got yelled at by my parents because "they are just random Mexicans" (wtf). Said Mexicans put in a lot of hard work! And you barely paid them! Assholes. Anyway, they were very thankful and really enjoyed said pizzas -- I made one for each person so there was variety and plenty of food.
  • 2
    I did this with my parents.
    Haven't seen them since Christmas! 😄

    Disowned my mother's husband on Father's Day several years ago. He is (was?) asshole and deserved much worse.
  • 0
    General Kenobi!
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 You are a Ranting one!
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