Shower thoughts:

Golf may be the perfect Dev sport.

Arguments for:

- Takes a relative degree of either skill or patience, usually both
- most people suck at it
- you need to practice
- alcohol
- haters gon hate

Arguments against:

- Takes a relative degree of either skill or patience, usually both
- most people suck at it
- you need to practice
- alcohol
- haters gon hate
- you have to be outside

Also applies to musicianship, I guess.

  • 2
    [Digs up a copy of Links] Your argument is invalid!
  • 7
    Hmm... Did you consider shooting?


    - Precision work that trains the eyes

    - Skill, Discipline and Patience training.

    - Haters ALSO gonna hate (at least in Germany)

    - You're likely to be inside

    - Even more alcohol (at least in Bavaria)

    - Guns

    - Powder Smoke... Seriously. I LOVE that shit.

    - Depends on the discipline, but you hardly move.

    - SJWs hate it, which is always a plus.


    - Most disciplines are standing
  • 1
    @irene I guess you don't have to be outside, but drywall and glass get expensive.
  • 1
    @ilPinguino yeah great points, all!
  • 1
    Vr golf though, stay inside
  • 4
    @Codex404 how about vr euro truck simulator? Going home from work to work again 😅😉
  • 0
    @irene Yo irene is back!
  • 1
    @ThatPerlDeb The PinkPanther bought a new garage, three new pink Scania trucks and hired three employees. My company is growing.
  • 1
    @ilPinguino you're fighting the good fight, I see bröther. 🤘
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