Seriously wondering why i bought a cheap slow ass laptop for school when i end up doing most of my homework at home anyway.

Android studio runs so fucking slow on it compared to my tower and i cant get this fucking camera assignment to fucking work AAAAAAAAAAAH

  • 1
    If you're gonna buy a laptop, buy a decent one. I don't know if your school has such a program too, but if one doesn't have enough money for a decent one, my school lends them one free of cost with an i7 (but a U one), 8 GB of RAM, and a 256 GB SSD, which is very decent for free use over the span of one schoolyear.
    Most people still buy their own laptop because they want to have more storage, maybe even a dGPU, more RAM, etc.
  • 0
    If you wanna buy a laptop, buy a cheap ass one and just remote desktop to your main rig
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