
How many of you use GIT from a plugin in the IDE?.
I've never even tried to use it.
I feel that cli is the way to work with git.

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    I let my IDE add tracking of new files I create. Mostly so I always can use 'git add -u' when adding my files to a commit.

    I do everything else via CLI.
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    I let my IDE add all proper files to the repo and I write my commits with it. Everything else is done with the CLI.
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    I used the GitHub extension for vs2017 but that's about it, use CLI now that I actually understand how got actually works
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    Eventually I think it would be easiest to use a plug-in with the IDE (or text editor that supports it) but using it manually on command line for now seems like the best way to learn it and know how to fix things.

    Have set up aliases as you all graciously shared in my git learning rant as that saves a few keystrokes and probably extends the life of my spacebar and '-' keys :)
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    My VS git plugin broke so i use Desktop Git instead. It is fancy, easy to use. It is great.
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    I don't want to lie, I've hardly ever use the CLI
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    Man, I use GitKraken, fuck CLI u_u
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    You can get a few more answers from here
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    I use only CLI, GUi’s confuse me and i get lost on it, CLI is my go to for git :) Also it forces me to truely understand git.
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    SourceTree, SmartGit or Fork most of the times (depending on task and size of the project), CLI only when none of those allow me to do what I want
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    For me it depends.
    On the one hand, if I have to pick what lines I want to commit instead of the whole file, using an IDE is really useful, because you can see the diff with good syntax highlighting.
    However, if I just changed a couple of files, and want to commit all the changes, it is easier to use the cli in my experience.
    (For GUIs in IDEs I use JetBrains IDE's Git integration)
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    Using phpStorm git plugin forever, had no need to launch console at all... Literally all commands are few clicks/letters away and it lets me to inspect each change before I even push, which I didn't like on the console... Not to mention that the conflict solving engine is way better than going manually into the files and trying to solve them :) You just visually see differences before/after and next version that you are going to push
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    I use vsCode for diffs, everything else is cli.
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    I use the various jetbrains IDEs and mostly use the cli for the regular tasks, but find the IDE tools very useful when looking back in history, comparing between two commits for a single file and so on. I also use the shelf feature if I'm "stashing" to work on something else and not just doing something quick where stash + pop is enough.
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    I see you're a man of knowledge as well
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    I used to have the same opinion, but I think the Git support in Visual Studio is actually good. Checking diffs with the own editor and quickly tracking files is useful. I use the CLI for everything else.
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    Vs Code, VS, IntelliJ .
    I cannot imagine merging and diff-ing on the console.
    Although for branching, committing, stashing, I use the cli.
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