Microsoft is gonna merge C# with absolutly every programming paradigma possible

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    How do you know?
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    You're wrong. Microsoft is going to lure JavaScript developers into C# through typescript
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    Yep. The language is being polluted with unnecessary stuff from the functional world. There's nothing inherently wrong with that stuff, but a language suffers when too much (subjective, I know) sugar is added with no functional gain (thinking of swift here).
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    @monkeyboy how do you deeply understand Swift Programming language?
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    @freeme I don't. In fact, I'm a novice in Swift. Compared to C#, C++, though, I've found simple things in Swift like constructors, to be strangely complex compared to its counterparts in the other languages.
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    @monkeyboy why would they add it in C# there is F# for that.

    Or do you mean the dotnet framework? In that case that is used by both languages and more.
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    I don't see the issue, most of the new things (which I very much do like) are opt-in. If you do not want to use those things then just don't, at the core is still a very good object oriented language. The new stuff just leases the pain of some problems with object oriented programming
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    Bit of topic but I'd love to create some JS# language, just a subset of pure C#, that transpiles to JS.
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    @CodeMasterAlex you mean webassembly, which is what you want except it has better performance because its not JavaScript but a compiled language.
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    @Codex404 No I mean just that what I said. It's because I have backend guys in my team and then it would be so nice to just write c# code to create JS stuff. Currently studying a language that allows to create such stuff which makes me think about things like that :)
    I know about webassembly and Blazor. Really cool but not yet mature enough.
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    @CodeMasterAlex webassembly will be mature before you can make a C# to JavaScript transpiler.
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    @Codex404 Then brace yourself! The future is now old man.

    What I mean to say is, there are already plenty of good options for c# to js compilers
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    Frontend aka browser: https://bridge.net
    Backend aka node: http://tjanczuk.github.io/edge/

    And technically you could add blazor and asp.net forms stuff
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