Linux GUI Apps on Windows (mind blowing gif)

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    You mean the terminal?
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    @Gregozor2121 No I mean Linux Gui App😑 (SciTE)
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    @Gregozor2121 The other window is a GUI program started from the WSL's (I assume) Ubuntu.

    @Shahriar Neat, I must have forgotten to try, but I seem to remember it not being supported yet. Good to know I am gonna have to switch around less :)
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    That was a joke...

    What about windows gui apps on linux 🤔
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    @CptFox its not from Microsoft. With Xming server on windows you can remote to WSL gui applications
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    X11-forwarding and such aren't new tho' ;D
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    @CptFox Ive ran Unity one the first public beta of WSL. It wasnt stable but it sure has been possible since always.
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    What is the performance of that actually?
    I did that too, because i like bash way more for development and wanted nwjs to work from WSL. But then I was really unsure about the performance of all these layers. Are there any reports on this?
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    Maybe i should test wine? Run a winform app inside Wine 🍷 inside Wsl inside windows 🤔
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    @Shahriar go one step further and do the whole thing inside a VM running on macOS
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    I remember trying this before and couldn't get It to work, what did they do different?
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    @seraphimsystems oh no wait I got this to work back in June... What I couldn't get to work was a windows vm within the wsl GUI haha...
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    You can overdo it, but I like Kate as my Editor and Konsole as my CLI, even under Win10. Oh, and Amarok for Musik...
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    @Yamakuzure Hmmm... the images are scaled quite low... To save space I guess?
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    I used to run a full screen i3 on a separate winblows workspace using vcxsrv and wsl.

    Nice experiment. Too many issues tho...
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    @ewpratten have you used it? Can it manage Windows programs (Office for example) as well?

    I read a post about it a while ago how he upgrades the Wsl to use xorg and started i3wm but I remained sceptical.

    It would be pretty rad not having to dual boot just because I want to play one have every 2 weeks
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    @ewpratten works manages Windows programs as well?
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