  • 1
  • 21
    That guy is now more knowledgeable than most PMs
  • 4
    on a more serious note, he can get into ionic, the latest version is really robust and even supports windows phones
  • 0
    This can't be real.. I'd love to see the rest of the convo.
  • 4
    Or Xamarin...
  • 2
    If your friend writes like that, he/she isn't going to fit as a developer.
  • 2
    Better than the foreign threads in stack overflow. "How do make app, plz send code to something@live.com"
  • 2
    But imagine the variable names.

    "What does 'a1' mean? Oh it's just the user password salted and hashed, but 'securePassword was too long to write."
  • 1
    use electronjs, it'll run on potatoes, dead squirrels, elk fur, hell It'll run on a bloody rock
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