
Winter is coming so I got that stupid idea just now.

Let’s make and wear big winter hats with road signs on it to see how self driving cars would react to this 🤣🤣🤣

  • 2
    A right hand only turn sign while standing in front of a store
  • 2
    Put up alternating speed signs of 0 and 9000, 10 meters apart.
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    "Hey guys, wouldn't it be fun to cause traffic accidents and cause even more anti self driving car propaganda to be produced"

    Also I'm p sure it's illegal to mess with the traffic like that. Though when I took my drivers license "impersonating road signs" never really came up
  • 2
    I never heard that wearing street signs on clothes is forbidden.
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    Found on some random internet website.
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    Anti-self-driving car "propaganda"? Oh well...

    Still not getting in one!

    Thinking of commuting via sewers...

    Like people aren't absent-minded enough already...
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    To clarify, I'm not against autopilot entirely... It just needs to always be overrideable. And bring back analog door locks, so I can get out of the car when the electronics fail...

    Problem is, the way it's going, it probably won't be overrideable for "safety" reasons...
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    @DarkAngel I am not anti self driving cars also. I just pointed out implication and I’d say I found a hatch in the system. You’re allowed to wear clothes with traffic signs 🙃
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