Money or career?

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    Isn't that a horse-carriage relationship?
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    A nice career that pays nice money.
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    @netikras Not necessarily, but in most cases, yes.
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    career temporary solves some problems

    money permanently solves all problems
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    @SukMikeHok big facts my man.

    I'd much rather be rich and sad than happy with a broke ass job lmao.

    At least then I can be sad with nice ass things, because that broke ass job is going to make me sad when I wind up in financial troubles.
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    @cobolplz Women with money and career 😂
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    Enough money to keep you safe and satisfied (there's been research done on how happiness and income is related, and after a point [less than you think] diminishing returns kick in hard as fuck) while doing the most engaging/rewarding/important job you can.

    My dream is to have a job that doesn't feel like a job OR a part-time job that pays gooood money so I don't have to work much. 6 years into dev and I'd have all I need and want working half time, but it's hard to find that kind of deal. Did 80% for a while (every goddamn Monday off) but didn't enjoy the job enough to keep wasting away there.
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    @Stuxnet dude... fucks sake

    its been 2 hours and im still thinking about this fucking question

    i am reconsidering what the fuck am i doing with my life, why am i building a career just so i can stay broke and depressed


    OPs post makes me regret all my fucking life decisions when i think about this question and answer that impacts life from a different perspective
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    First career and then mula my dude. That's what i chose..
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    You're at a job 8 hours a day. You owe it to yourself to make as much money as you can in those 8 hours.
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    Of it is one or the other career.
    Long run money will come :)
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    m o n e y
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    @irene Here's a recent Time article that talks about how much income you need to be optimally happy: https://google.se/amp/.... (Spoiler: it's A LOT more than what I remembered. Maybe I read about the cap for not being miserable or something 😅)

    It seems to depend a lot on what you actually use spend the money on; people who use money to save time report more happiness.

    It's kinda muddy though, some rich countries are less happy than very poor countries in average: http://visualcapitalist.com/relatio....
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    @cobolplz ahh, a man of culture!
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