
> gets rejected from upwork
> builds alternative to upwork
> gets funded by old client who uses upwork
> origin story complete

  • 0
    is it a true story? coz I cant see the url. but it sounds awesome.
  • 3
    @rookiemaverick sure is 😊 url is wwwork.io but first deploy is still awhile off
  • 0
    @brod wwwork.io doesn't seem to work?
  • 2
    @GinjaNinja yeah, there's no planned release date as yet - that's where you'll find it when it's up.
  • 1
    @brod Making a brother freak out! 😜
  • 3
    I can't wait to see the story arc of you losing your powers but regaining it through hard work and the magic of friendship
  • 2
    'sons of anarchy'
  • 2
    @xroad silly, that's in book 2: when the client asks you to redesign everything.
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    @rainmitchell you just made me realise I'm my own client in this job. I'm gonna make such a good client for myself! woooo
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    @brod oh well congratulations! I know how frustrating clients are. There should be at least 99% clear communication between you the developer and you the client, the other 1% is when you want to shotput your computer out a window.
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    let me know if you need any testers, i would love to help you out :)
  • 1
    Congrats, awesome stuff!
  • 2
    I'll be there to usher in the new era! I hate Upwork. I have been getting shit on there too long
  • 1
    So for anyone interested, this is still happening, should be running by December. I'll no doubt rant about it closer to release 😉
  • 0
    @brod what happened to all this?
  • 1
    @JoshBent client scrapped it on 3 different occasions.. so there’s still hope I guess 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    @brod so you're still developing it? or was the third one the final one for now
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