
fb messenger stopped working after the update, it just shows a white screen... it made me realise i don't even care, family and friends contact me there but ... Dobby is a free elf now

  • 2
    @theKarlisK you could also use a third party app
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    I've found Metal (Lite or Pro, doesn't really make much of a difference) to be a pretty decent Facebook client. If only it wasn't for Facebook (I think intentionally) slowing down the loading of their mobile website to the point where it just makes you frantically curse on how long even the most basic actions take. For messaging I found Bitlbee to be pretty good, especially if you're already keeping an IRC client running 24/7. Otherwise I found Pidgin to be pretty good as well. For some bizarre reason, I seem to get server-side disconnects every now and then on my Bitlbee though, despite my connection being rock solid. It really messes with my ability to get new messages through it and log them properly. Just my hunch, but perhaps Facebook doesn't really want me to use other clients? For most stuff I gave Facebook a big "fuck you" already though, so at some point messaging and page management will inevitably be next.
  • 2
    Dobby you work for devrant now
  • 1
    Gotta love a good HP reference ^^
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