
The look of people who discover Dvorak on my phone...

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    what? why?
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    @Charmgoggles Why I use Dvorak or why people look at me like that?
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    I haven't tried Dvorak, how is it?
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    @rainmitchell Feels faster. ;) Requires a little bit of getting used to but after some time I find it more comfortable than "regular" QWERTY. Try it!
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    @Cube189 hmm I think I'll try it out on my tablet. Thanks.
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    @rainmitchell Dvorak was made so that for most words you alternated depressed with each hand, it feels so much better than qwerty once you get used to it, which should take a week or less.
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    @Cube189 lol, no I meant why on your phone, you type with a finger and not your both hands on your phone. so I don't get why you use it on phone.
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    @Charmgoggles I use both hands to type on my phone, just means I pretty much alternate thumbs when typing, I rarely use one finger to type on my phone.
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    @Charmgoggles Actually I find myself typing with two hands more often so I do benefit from that Dvorak setup :)
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    Why not Swype for typing on a phone? I find it to be much faster and nicer.
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    @cjhowald TBH I'm not a big fan of swiping. Especially now that we have those big 5"+ displays and I find it more comfortable to type with two hands.
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    and when you go to work and have to use qwerty again ...what happens then? doesn't it all get very confusing switching back and forth?
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    @4hp007 I thought so at first. But somehow I am able to seamlessly switch between QWERTY and Dvorak.
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