
Atom or VSCode?

  • 9
  • 9
    VSCode is brilliant.
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins suggest then??
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins what's up with electron?
  • 2
    @codvlpr it's slow and resource hungry. Sublime is about 100x faster. I use VS Code because it's absolutely lovely. Not as slow as atom 👍
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins so basically you want an iMac Pro with 128gb of ram that's why you're mad about VSCode. I get it. 😂😂
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins 12gb? I have never exceed 400mb. I don't work on large projects though, so I can't say anything about it.
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    Tried both, Atom fan at the moment. VSCode had much faster start up, but I couldn't tell the difference when actually using it. Will evaluate again in a couple of months.
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    I use micro, but vscode is okay if you have a strong-ish pc
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    I didn't even know there was a mainstream business computer option out there that could be configured with 128 Gb of RAM. That sounds like exceptional overkill. Don't get me wrong. I would jump at the chance to have a work computer that would allow me to keep the entirety of the knowledge of mankind in memory while still being able to adjust my fantasy football roster for the week.
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    Wrong tag...
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    Sublime Text
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    I used to love vscode back when i was working on mac, but at my current pc it crashes very frequently so i use visual studio.
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    I thought SublimeText was the best editor until I found CudaText. That thing is far better 😁
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    VS Code
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    VSCode for sure. I was reluctant at first. Surely Microsoft couldn’t make something as good as I had read. Surely it’s similar to its shit pile namesake Visual Studio. Hell, proved me wrong. Now it’s all I use.
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