What browser(s) do y’all use? Chrome? Opera? Brave? Firefox? Firefox dev? Tor? Safaretard?

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    internet explorer
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    I think I might be psychic. I have his vague feeling you don't like safari.
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    Chrome all day & everyday.

    Occasionally Edge because it's not as shite as people are acting. Looks ugly as fuck, but gets the job done.
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    Chrome: Gmail (and other google tools), various rss feeds (feedly), Trello.

    FireFox: Paying bills, Slack channels, various dev tools (AppDynamics, SonarQube, Jira, etc)

    Edge: Intranet, personal outlook.com accounts (OneDrive, Office Online, etc)

    Brave: It blocks *everything*. Youtube, various news sites, radio streaming, random new 'coupon site' my wife finds and wants me get a dollar off a loaf of bread.
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    Moved to Firefox Dev as my main browser (from Opera). Also regularly using Chrome, Brave and Vivaldi.
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    Vivaldi and Firefox
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    I first read it as “Saferetard” and started getting enthusiastic about getting to know some secure browser I had never heard of :/
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    Firefox for sure, nearly always/everywhere.

    Very sometimes Chromium (no, not chrome, Google and chrome can both go fuck themselves).
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    I went from FF to Chrome back when Chrome was at Version 2.x all those years ago.

    It has served me well most of the time, except after it hit V 30.x or somewhere near there and suddenly it became a resource hungry little bitch - but switching back to FF is a similar boat anyway.
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    Firefox for dev
    Chrome for personal
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    Firefox and Vivaldi too
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    Vivaldi is great
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    @irene just curious
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