
*wants to do some coding for once*
Stack Overflow: sorry, we're offline 😶

Classic 😑

Also it's Monday. Coincidence? Most certainly not!!

  • 4
    It's a sign to just black out instead lol
  • 3
    @Stuxnet cheers! 🍷😁
    Oh btw in case it's useful for someone: the DuckDuckHack instant results still seem to work properly. So I was able to write my little analyzer script with that instead 🙂
  • 1
    @rEaL-jAsE syntax? Yes! What options grep takes to count occurrences, enable case insensitivity, or returning the matches? No, I'm not going to learn that off my head!! Too many vim, tmux and screen keybindings to deal with already 😣

    Generally I do agree with your point though. Relying solely on SO (or the internet as a whole for that matter) for *everything* is a recipe for disaster.
  • 0
    Back in my days
    We used
    grep --help
    man grep
    info grep

    Finding stuff inside existing Code...

    Stackoberflow is in too many cases wrong or outdated.
  • 0
    Use the wayback machine.
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