If you think learning a language / working with a language you don't like is offensive to you and your morals .. Then don't do it.

Money is important to you ? Then you're just prostituting yourself to some higher authority. So DONT COMPLAIN!

You have the right to hate stuff while being paid for it. Understandable.

But don't shit on the shit you think is shit just cause you put yourself in the situation of not having an option !!

You're a worthless. Money hungry whore.

Yes, you hate Java/ x language but have to work on it ?

You're either a whore or have serious problems with standing up for yourself, but on the internet you become this amazing troll saying the language has problems.

Half the people who hate languages hate them cause it's common to hate them. Like being racist in the early American ages cause it was "normal".

Brain deficient motherfucking whores. Manipulated cocksuckers.

Sidenote : if you've honestly gotten shit on by a new version of the language you were using .It's understandable and I'm on your side. Using it without thorough research on the other hand is your mistake. Languages aren't ideal. Just Like most women don't like your dick cause, well it doesn't fit their use case. Deal with it not, troll about it.

I'm not like you. I experiment with whatever I like before using it. I work on my own stuff. I suck my own fucking dick and I get paid.

If you honestly disagree with me, put a couple points down on the language you hate and why you hate it ( considering the fact that you have actually used it and are not just trying to disagree with me )

  • 11
    Wait.. you suck your own dick? 🤔
  • 1
    @Elyz I don't, it was obviously just a figure of speech but I'll let you have the point.
  • 0
    @Frederick I couldn't tell you 😂
  • 6
    @TheAnimatrix oh I know, that's just roughly how far I made it through the post before laughing. I totally agree with you though, people hate languages for no other reason than they heard someone else say bad things about it.
  • 2
    I hate Polish, because its add unnecessary complexity by aging suffix for gender of fucking objects. Maybe not hate, but don't like this aspect 😃

    There is no point to be angry at anything, you could change it so do it or you couldn't because have more important stuff so don't be angry, but that doesn't work usually
  • 2
    @Omnisus gender of objects xD, that cheered me up! But I guess you could blame your ancestors for that. How's the ongoing development on it.. any updates ? Jk
  • 4
    I love the most hated language of all (PHP), Yet I can’t suck my own dick 😪
  • 1
    @C0D4 lol, personally don't like php for it's syntax but I could get used to it. It was the first language I used for web development.
  • 2
    @TheAnimatrix the syntax can hard to adjust too. Although PHp7 has made nice improvements to be more OOP like 🤤
  • 3
    Whore discrimination 😱
  • 1
    @C0D4 cool, I'll have a look at it.
  • 1
    I don't hate any language. There are a couple I dislike and do not want to work with, like Java and C#, but I wouldn't bitch around if I had to use either for a project.

    Every language has its purpose. Well, maybe not Haskell, but that is at least fun to read. 😉

    I even learned Lua, Python and Ruby. Not to work with them, but just to widen my perspective, giving me insight on how things are done elsewhere.
  • 1
    @Charon92 yeah totally agree with you there, it was so annoying for me to get started. I started off with python 3 cause it's more recent and had a whole lot problems with packages.
  • 1
    too long, I didn't read it but the first sentence "learning a language...don't do it" - fails 1st year at uni
  • 5
    I dig it. I like this point of view.

    Xcept that I prefer to call myself a mercenary and have someone else suck my dick. :P i ain't bendy enough lol
  • 0
    @Elyz He also chops his own dick off. Every day.
  • 0
    @Teabagging4Life I'd like to borrow some brains from you sir, is it possible ? Why don't you state why you got offended instead of crying out "MAMA he said dick suck ! Mama what should I do? Ohh wait I'll say dick chop that should do it. Mama this is all thanks to your basement"
  • 0
    @TheAnimatrix Man you must not be a very bright one, no offense. Check "Like a Boss" by the Lonely Island and maybe you will see some light in your sorry life.
  • 0
    @Teabagging4Life wow a movie reference, unfortunately I'm not a native English speaker so I don't consume a lot of English movie content. Well I apologize.
  • 1
    @TheAnimatrix creators of language don't care to much and just wait as some shit start to be demanded as with gender of objects. Sounds dumb, is dumb, but somehow fit in current trends 😃 you could have multiple genders why objects cant? 😃
  • 2
    @Omnisus yeah I wouldn't want my tranny laptop to be offended, in a way polish was made to work ahead of it's time xD
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