So, we are many people from many countries, with many native languages, but we post in english because it's common.

To anyone posting here in another language than english:

أنت لست وحدك أيها النرجسي الحقير، تافه يعتقد بلده و لغته مركز العالم

See u

  • 8
    It doesn't bother me in an online community unless it's stated somewhere that it's English-only, especially if the non-English posts are like 1% of all. I'm a non-native English speaker myself and I'm mostly sure that there aren't many people native to me here.

    What bothers me more is people in the street stopping me, trying to ask me something in their native language and expecting me to understand.
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    @XiovV ;)
  • 12
    We post in english to be understood, not because it's common.
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    @Taqriaqsuk yes that is what I mean bro
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    @kamen the last part is the stereotypical German tourist, sadly it's not always just a stereotype.. sorry for my dad
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    @jonii I was writing this with Russians in mind. Almost every single one that comes to Bulgaria tries to speak to you in Russian. Sure, maybe 20-30% of the people here speak it, but dammit, at least make an effort...
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    I think I need to brush up my Arabic.
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    Co ty pierdolisz mordo xd
    Es gibt viele Deutsche hier, deshalb wird es der verständlichste Satz sein.
    Français, Paris est à toi tout le temps? Ou peut-être qu'il est déjà brûlé?
    Try me man. Just try me.
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    @RootPixl c'est du n'importe quoi mon ami 😂
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    @RootPixl aber natürlich! 😉

    English is also common in development. So common, that all comments and commit messages at my employer (german company) have to be in English. 😁
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    ^this, to be honest
    All documentation and all the scientific stuff are in 99.(9)% in English, if you'll go deeper in history, why, you'll find out that the UK had Industrial Revolution when that one crazy Britt invented the steam-powered engine, after that, colonisation, most of the world belong to...yep, to UK, so the English was their primary language, now, look at the USA, Australia and the other countries that were British colonies back in the day... You see this? Their mother language is always English or [X] + English.
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    Even after that, when all that colonies tried to be independent, but they also wanted to make deals with other countries, they could communicate using...yep, English of course! That was must-have. Also, some guys wanted to make stuff more accessible to others, so as the instruction language attached to their products was.... Yep, English!
    But keep that in mind, some countries were also colonised by France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, that's why you can see French territory in the Southern America.
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    dammit, they found us, we gonna blow
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