
Linux Mint ladies and gentlemen

I will dedicate a separate rant for choosing an OS for my new laptop, as I was heavily disappointed in some OS-es

  • 3
    Judging to this image, think you'll need to choose again :D
  • 1
    Looking forward to it!
  • 1
    Did it go to sleep also?
  • 2
    My battery don't last that long even when the pc is off..
  • 1
    Problem with linux, it is brutaly honest. Problem with windows, it is convincingly impossible.
  • 4
    Is this post meant as "135 hours, it's so super battery saving" or as "135 hours, it measures battery really badly"?
  • 0
    @electrineer yep, next to me on the bed, maybe it sucked all my energy, cause I'm getting sick atm lol
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    @Fabian it's not necessarily a problem as long as the notebook itself knows whats going on...

    for comparison with win10 i charged it at midnight, i pulled out the charger, next day i opened the laptop at 10pm and it has 98%
  • 1
    @webdev so it has calculated how long it can stay sleeping with battery power
  • 1
    Haven't you read the release notes? Linux mint comes with a built in fusion reactor, the only reason it needs to switch off at all is to cool down and prevent a nuclear meltdown.
  • 1
    @ilPinguino ... or prevent going back in time

    does it have 1.21 GIGAWATT? lol
  • 1
    @webdev not yet, but there's a pull request... 😂
    Gotta find a way to deal with the grandfather paradox though, so it'll probably take a while until that makes it to stable
  • 2
    Yeah, the date triggers me as well
  • 0
    @coffeedrinker what do you mean
  • 1
    @webdev the date format :p (yeah i saw the battery level c:)
  • 0
    @coffeedrinker oh that, yes it's in retarded format, but i believe there were no normal format I know (i mean European YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY) so.. yeah
  • 0
    Dont forget to use tlp
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