
1999 looks promising 😁

  • 6
    Hmm, I see a perfect top left shelf for some Linux installation media 👀

    I'll see myself out 🙃
  • 4
    Fucking hell man, I would kill for that copy of vb6. Do you have any idea how much money you can make out of that thing???!
  • 2
    @AleCx04 True... ~$350
  • 6
    @JS96 no not at selling it man. Some dude thought that I could do vb6 cuz I was doing classic asp with vbscripr. Offered me $1000 to fix something for him. I told him that I couldn't since I had no idea about vb6. So I referred him to someone i know that is from the delphi/visual foxpro/vb6 crowd.

    Took him 3 hours. 1000 for 3 hours sounds fucking good to me.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 yeah, there are a lot of big products that have still some modules written in vb6, so it's old but still required for some sort of things.
    I personally started with it, so that's not bad. 😏
  • 1
    @JS96 maaaaan. Checked at work if anyone had a copy of it.

    They believe that they destroyed them during the summer :(

    I work at a school ;___; i wouls have hoped they knew better than to wreck that shit
  • 0
    @AleCx04 oh no! I recently threw away all that old good stuff...
  • 0
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