
If your profile contains your GitHub username,I'm going to find you and I'm going to judge you.

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    go ahead bish
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    🀷‍♂️my only open source contribution was a random script anyway.
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    Go ahead!
  • 2
    do it
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    @smb26 same here πŸ˜‚
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    Maybe start a #RoastMe movement for github profiles? lol
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    Where's the judgements? Do you hire for big tech companies as well? Why can't they judge my code rather than algo knowledge that will never be used... Or rarely and can probably be found/refreshed using Google when actually needed.
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    @C0D4 i guess you don't do a lot of person projects (as a hobby)
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    @TRex from time to time, but I use GitLab for everything besides work, although it’s mostly private anyway.
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    @tbodt you're probably a senior dev, can't pass judgement
    @smb26 @oztek that's company code, where's your open source spirit. Don't guy get tired from the work.
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    @billgates when i was in Uni nothing would make me happier then finding cool projects on github, last year i thought what the hell lets create a separate GitHub account so i can make some personal projects open source, honestly some of code in my repos are from company projects.who's gonna find out. It's like therapy.
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    @C0D4 GitLab, they have terrible servers, and don't even get me started about UI,everytime I've to use gitlab i die a little.
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    @zerouplink that's a great idea actually, since you're a cyber security enthusiast you'd check my IDS repo, it's a personal project your going to like it
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    Please proceed
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    you god damn Judgemental Trex
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    yeah some feedback would be awesome
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    @TRex I have no complaints with their servers. Granted they’re now using Google, but I’ve had no direct issues.

    I do enjoy having Ci/CD tools available out of the box vs finding another solution for Github.
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    @TRex, wow your IDS project is very interesting. When you say IDS, I wouldn't have thought there's gonna be Machine Learning stuff inside. My job is to develop tech/solutions to make use of the data available and detect known/unknown threats. This could be very useful to me.
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    @Ganofins i just punched myself in face.
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    @cursee were you live under a rock before 2018, and I'm afraid you've devRant fever
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    @wowotek since you're new to programming and a student i won't hurt your feeling but you'd document your code and why are 3 of your repos empty?
    @Ximidar NOICE πŸ––
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    @TRex I had different name :P
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    @TRex a lot of them are just place holders for my project πŸ˜‚ i rarely commit anything
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    @TRex I am a beginner
    Want some tips how to improve them?
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    Go ahead mate, but I already know that it's all terrible πŸ™ˆ
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    @halfflat #Respect btw were you unsuccessful trying to write something with github in order to look cool. I'm guessing project manager or architect
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    @gudishvibes what's with the username were you having a stroke, honestly you should change it
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    @Condor since you were a SA and in IS any tips on mapping network(s) topology, we're using period network(s) scans and calculating hops to find topology of network(s) but it's not as accurate as we want it to be.
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    @Ganofins befriend a senior developer. 😁
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    @TRex nmap perhaps, or nc but I haven't yet found out how to map hostnames to IP's without querying my DNS. I'm looking for a solution to that as well actually, as it's kind of annoying to have to check on the host itself or the DHCP server where it is in the network until it's gotten itself a static IP.

    Also wasn't this post about judgment of GitHub profiles rather than networking support? πŸ€”
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    @Condor you can say i saw a window of opportunity, nmap is integrated in our applications,we were able to map hostname to ip but are unable detect layer 2 switch in network, in last test i was able to map all 520+ active devices across 8 networks in less than 5 minutes including data processing time.
    P. S. I dozed off due to boredom while looking through your repos
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    @TRex now that's so nice of you, I'd so fucking love to collaborate with you like that ☺️ you must be so exciting for boring as fuck me.
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    @TRex you know what you can do with that pompousness of yours. You can shove it right up your ass, because you're clearly not full enough of yourself yet. If you're only here for wanking anyway, get a room and go fucking wank there.
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    @Condor lmao, I'm in my room, might just have wanked myself,But your repos were a turn off!
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    @TRex please tell me how to improve my code to make it more appealing _/\_ after all, anyone can shit on stuff but only few can make it not sound like it comes out of an ass. Also, I really didn't want to know where and when you've last wanked... Keep that shit to yourself mate.
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    @TRex bzzt wrong I have 0 years of professional experience
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    Oh God please don't do that
    It's horrendous
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