
I just noticed that I'm super fucking anxious about whatsapp and such when people take too long to answer.

Although I have to stop looking at my phone every fucking minute (not joking) , people taking 5+ hours to answer is ridiculous too.

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    Just dont have whatsapp :)
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    Chill out @hell
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    Turn your notifications off @hell
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    @Codex404 hueaheu not just whatsapp, any kind of human interaction
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    I’m sure this isn’t helping @hell
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    @C0D4 hueaheu DevRant is with notifications off since 2016 😛
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    Been there, just learn to take back the control of your time and thoughts. Don't let your phone and your friends control you.

    Well I still find myself in that situation sometimes.

    It's kinda sad when I don't get a reply from a friend and I decide to not send a new message until they reply. And a couple months pass when I finally contact them again.
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    😱 another 2016 devrant vet.🙌

    I find turning phone off, and giving it to someone to hide for a day or two helps these problems and gives you a reset.
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    To be honest, I'm one of those people who don't reply for a few hours. Usually it's just a matter of me either just not being online, or coming online for a minute to check in, noticing new messages from someone (e.g. @Alice on Telegram), but the time to go into a long conversation really not being right at that moment. I often check my new messages etc, but sometimes I can really only do just that, while keeping in mind that I should reply at some point.

    So for me at least, it's by no means willful negligence but rather a weird combination of frequent notification checking and some bizarre kind of time management :')

    Also, does WhatsApp still do those obnoxious notifications with sound and everything when DND is on? That's what made me remove it some time ago, in favor of Signal and Telegram (despite the latter having poor security practices).
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    @FrodoSwaggins yeah, I already mapped the cause and am working on it 😘
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    @Condor don't know, my phone has all sounds off 😂
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