Learn enough docker to convince my coworker that it is not the solution to EVERY problem, especially not to our problem

  • 3
    What’s your problem? I’m interested in learning docker
  • 6
    Never had people not wanting to use docker, except those not knowing its power.
  • 4
    And indeed its not the solution to everything, but improves setup speed
  • 4
    @devTea 10 year old undocumented legacy monolith,
    jboss soap backend all tied through message and event driven beans, so no loose coupling at all
    Some crons running at night needing 6GB Ram

    A lot of Features unfinished, with nearly no hint, which features are finished and which are not

    New features to be added with tight timeline

    My personal estimate to bring this T-Rex to a microservice architecture is like 2 years
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    Hah, are you a dev at my job? Sounds like it
  • 0
    @tkdmatze Hahahaha. T-Rex😂
  • 0
    Doesn’t have to be split into micro-services straight away, docker can run monoliths too ;) which bides you the time to pick it apart. Easiest way to do that is start a shell in a clean container install everything to get it to run then just commit the container, downside is container will be bigger than it needs to be
  • 1
    Dockerizing the monolith will get you more insight on what it needs, system wise. But that will take some time nonetheless. If youre problem is that your codebase sucks, then docker will not help you. But it will be easier to spin up test environments and do migrations.... I think
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