Couple of questions? What's to late to stay up coding or what's to early to start coding in the day?

I'm personally always mindful of my health.

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    I can't function without like 6 hours of sleep at night.

    Therefore, I tend to refuse doing anything coding or school related after 11 pm (23:00).

    Just try to develop a healthy and consistent sleep schedule. I wake up at 6:00 everyday, even though I could sleep later on Thurs and Fri due to later starting classes.
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    Don't forget 30 minutes of exercise
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    Depends how much you can shift your day, I have shifted my sleep so much I would not be able to be on time for regular 95 work in nearly any timezone, though that means I usually catch every single client that is up during his own hours, also I am pretty much dependent on sleep helpers, because I think too much and can't fall asleep for near a decade if not more.

    Just recently I did two days with 8 hour sleep total, where I stayed up 23/22 hours each to finish stuff I was procrastinating on.
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    @JoshBent that's mental dude, you need to look after your health. I know work can become very demanding but your no good knackered.
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    @DevNotFretPet @CoffeeNcode appreciate it, I don't do it often at all, just sometimes I get hit with a hyper productive feeling (otherwise quite procrastinating on some projects, because they just get very boring and tiring to finish) and then hide my system clock and other clocks around me - after I am done I get enough money to then relax for a good while too :) the sleep after that feels amazing too haha
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