
If your first commit message isn't "init commit" are you even a developer. 🤔

  • 3
    Damn, mine has been "Projektdateien hinzufügen." once.
    Goddamn it, Visual Studio. Shit like this is why I never use the Git integration.
  • 1
    @filthyranter uninstalled it too, though for a different reason

    and did it actually automatically insert a German commit message? why would anyone go through the struggle of localization for those...?
  • 1
    I do this for initial commit lol
    git commit -m "$(fortune)"
  • 1
    My first commit message is "hello world"
  • 1
    Just 'init' here
  • 1
    Lmbo. My first commit message was " I was able to fork the project successfully and able to add my name".

    This happened as a freshman in college when our professor first introduced us to Git. We worked in pairs and one had to push the code to Git so the other person can see, fork, makes changes by adding his/her name then push it back to Git with the changes.
  • 4
    I almost always call it "initial commit"
  • 1
    @Krokoklemme Yeah, it did. No idea why it would do that.
  • 0
    Why would my first commit message be something this utterly unhelpful?
  • 0
    Me would be "Initial Commit. [Detail of what I've coded]" since I'd init when I end the project's 1st day
  • 2
    "README" commit message
  • 2
    or just "commit"
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