
Spray painted old apple keyboard. Results are satisfactory for a first time paint job.

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    Orginal keyboard
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    Looks great!
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    @smb26 some keys are sticking to the base plate as paint is sticky. I’ll have to work through some issues dust is definitely one of those.
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    Kicks ass
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    I must say, looks neat but the last time I used that keyboard, my fingers felt like I was hitting the stone - it was so gosh darn hard!
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    @athlon I know man and it’s too long. I’ve started using it and I think I’ll use as display piece 😂
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    @kickass we had in the school old iMacs from 2006 with exact same keyboard. After few lessons I decided I'll just bring my own laptop, because fuck that.
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    @athlon Guess what, it’s going to be a part of “it looks cool but I’ll never use it again collection”.
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