
This has been said countless times before me, and way better than me that’s supper tired, but I need to rant out

And what I’m ranting out today, is Apple. Its essence, its core, the reason it still exists: the ECOSYSTEM!

The problem with Apple ecosystem is that it’s the ecosystem of a fucking PRISON!

People like it because it works well together , but it’s sure that in a prison, the path from your cell to the cantine is pretty optimized; you get forced there! And you might try to get your food elsewhere, but the walls of the prison are made to be difficult to cross. Especially on mobile, where they’re making it harder and harder to escape, to make a jailbreak (pun-intended). Keeping you the loyal little sheep, or the forcing you to it.

That prison is also made private, a little club, to attract people to it. They even got their own little system to talk to each other, but oh god protect them from their little messages to pass the walls of the prison.

And all that prison is guarded by the warden, watching from high in the cloud. Forcing you to report yourself to him to be part of that prison.

That prison, also, can only be entered with specific vehicles, provided by the prison, to ensure maximum compatibility and efficiency. Good luck entering with a disguised vehicle if you find the official ones too pricey for their parts.

They also provided pressure tubes to send things from one cell to another. While being only simple pressure tubes like any other, they’re acclaimed because they’re apparently easier to use than the other 3rd party pressure tubes that can send things to the outside. Why? Because, oh yes it’s already in everybody’s cells (of that prison, outside is dangerous) and the other tubes have been conveniently being placed somewhere harder to reach.

Another thing they have are those windows that can view the outside. While being maybe less clear than some other windows, they are ok. But if you ever consider going mobile to enjoy that safari with lions, then man do they love bringing you back to that window.

Ok so I’m done with the prison metaphor, or I won’t sleep.

The ecosystem is probably the major reason Apple is still there. You buy from there because you’re a prisoner (I guess I’m not finished with the metaphor after all).

This is a prime example of RMS’s quote “If the user doesn’t control the software, the software controls the user”

AirDrop isn’t some sort of revolutionary tech, it uses a well established protocol that other implementations use to do the same thing. They could really easily open source the protocol and allow everyone to profit, but they won’t, because that would mean you don’t have to buy Apple.

That’s why I militate for open source, decentralized and standardized protocols. Because that way, we control the software, and it doesn’t control us.

All the things I said aren’t so bad because when you buy Apple, you make a choice. But I don’t have a choice, I am typing this on an Apple device, because I need to (I won’t elaborate on that) because of that fucking *ecosystem*

I am really tired, so half the sentences probably don’t make sense, but thanks for coming to my stupid TED talk.

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    No i like it because the folder actually opens after a responsible amount of time after clicking it.
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    Sorry if i’m missing something out really obvious, I’m really tired
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    @-vim- devs don't buy apple because it works well together device-wise.
    Apple products work well software+hardware-wise. They are reactive and do their job. Of course they're a bit overpriced and the dongle-oriented design is a bit weird, to say the least. But the performance of these devices is awesome.
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    @rutee07 i like apple products for their amazing UX, period.

    The laptop (macbook pro mid 2015 for me) is SUCH a good symphony of hardware and software. Every function works perfectly, UI is clean and consistent, display looks beautiful, and everything runs so smooth.
    When i had an iphone (6s), it was amazing for its clean and consistent UI, smooth animations and phone operation, as well as NEVER randomly crashing or anything.
    The bad of iphone 6s was its lockdown thing however. I do like customization and tweaking which it doesn't have (unless jailbreak which is a little pain in itself)

    Note that running linux natively on a macbook will make u wanna kill urself (from experience).
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    @rutee07 happy to help 😁
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    I’m not talking about their products specifically, but the ecosystem. Other reasons why people might choose Apple products don’t really concern me.
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    @rutee07 I've seen laptops sold with FreeDOS. Apparently, they can't sell computers without any OS, so they use it as alibi OS. Then you can install any Linux you want without having paid for Windows.
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    The ecosystems... All tech companies do it? It's called lock-in. The default is you have no control.

    The way to get some control back is to jailbreak, protest, boycott.
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    This continuous concern with "X > Y" is strange to me.

    There is a market for the big OS representatives, so we cannot argue, that this kind of ecosystem has no validity, since it is clearly accepted by customers. No matter what you or I think, their ideas are valid, because the market says so.

    Why should everyone be forced into liking aspects of a system you yourself like? Apple builds a closed system and many customers are fine with that, because they do not want freedom to do whatever in this ecosystem. Because they are never intending to go down the rabbit's hole and see what their device can do, instead they want usability, clear processes and the perception of quality.

    That is a valid concern. When I myself am not into tinkering with cars, then I too will prefer a car that offers me less freedom with regard to setup, yet is easy to use and to maintain.
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    The easy way is then to say, "people are stupid", but this is also about time management. You need to come to terms with that you cannot learn everything and your time is limited. If you want a free ecosystem on your phone, because you intend to use it - feel free. But many people don't need that freedom and prefer other aspects, which is absolutely fine.
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    @Maer I don’t want to say “users are stupid”. I think the problem is Apple, they’re the ones creating that lock-in that keeps users in, even though they might not want to if it’s not for that lock-in
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    "Fiefdoms" is my preferred word for it.

    All you need to ask when you feel like you're being fucked is "who would benefit from fucking me? Who is master?"
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