I fucked again...
This is second time I've accidentally executed sudo poweroff on test server via ssh assuming it was my machine :(

It's all because my mind was not stable as we were testing few issues on test server and at the same time from client side someone was doing the changes from Admin side(Wordpress) and we saw menu and few text got disappeared.
Such a bad day. smh

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    @rutee07 hahahaha, lmao
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    I suggest you use something like ohmyzsh with a theme that shows you where you are at all times.
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    @mundo03 Agreed. A good prompt will save you from mistakes like that.
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    @mundo03 exactly I've zsh but I kinda fked up my .bashrc and /etc/profile little and literally didnt got time xD
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    Create an alias do "sudo poweroff" on your machine and get used to it, it will never work on the server :)
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    @hell well when last time it happened our admin tried to setup alias with sudo but don't know why it didn't worked and it was funny as hell as he wanted to try it and we tested it 4 times and it got shutdown 4 times xD and last convo went like "Don't ever shutdown using your terminal otherwise I'll remove your key, only use your mouse to shutdown". xD
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    @lazysnail alias=" sudo command" , gotta have the first space before sudo ;)
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    @irene Tbh I usually don't keep separate terminal window, I use tabs instead.
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    @irene Ofc, it shows but I was in such hurry that I typed it fast while standing without looking at monitor(I know I should've).
    When Did I realised I messed up?
    Ofc when my laptop didn't turned off, and at that time I knew I fucked up.
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    I haven't used sudo in a while so I'm not sure but can't your admin block the "shutdown" command from being executed via sudo?
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