
How is your outfit when you go to work?

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    Casual. My one pair of kinda slim fit but still comfy/stretchy jeans and my favorite hoodie. I really only change the clothing that no one sees except for that one day where my hoodie is drying, I wonder if people think I just wear the same stuff every day 😏 I love this hoodie. It's pretty "clean" tho so it's OK for work...

    I used to dress up when meeting clients though, I just cycled through my dress shirts... Oh, and interviews. And then gradually wear more and more informal stuff until I was at the same level as the other people at the office. I never really liked that game, though. It's like I'm censoring myself, but at the same time I understand that what you wear change how others perceive you so I played along anyways... But it's weird. My competence hasn't changed, I'm just wearing a piece of fabric with the words "COMPETENT" and "TRUSTWORTHY" written on them 🤔

    For my current job though I went to the interview in my hoodie. It's like... this is what I know and this is who I am, can has money pls?
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    Dressy casual.
    Skirt/slacks, blouse, sometimes a blazer.

    When I work on-site, it's usually a sausage fest in the dev cave, and the other devs almost always just wear jeans and tshirts, so. I try to avoid dresses and other "fancy" clothes because it makes me look very overdressed by comparison, and makes them uncomfortable.

    Regularly overdressing does make people less likely to talk to me, which is nice, but what gets much more likely in exchange is glances and flirts. Which is not okay.
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    ^^ [My avatar]
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    @Jilano I got used to carrying it. The bothering part is the constant staring in the street
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    Like I'm going to a friggin business meeting. I hate it.
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    @Jilano gotta have a greenscreen for the selfies
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    I wear a superman costume.
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    i usually just wear sweatpants and a tee (not working in an office), but my new boss told me to at least wear jeans .-.
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    Bathrobe or jeans and shirt. I work from my bedroom most of the time so it doesn't matter all that much. During the hottest days of last summer there wasn't even much more than underwear involved to keep me from overheating 🙃
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    @kgbemployee kinda.. it allows for working for companies anywhere in the world and it's extremely flexible, but it's a double edged sword... The workplace is *too* close by so it's easy to get guilt-tripped into doing overtime. And it's not easy to convince people that you're actually working when you're just sitting at home all day :/
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