
Privacy is going bust
We're robots now
Chewing on our politians delicate ARSE

Fuck this shit
I'm going underground
Cold War Two awaits us.
The net shall be our shelter.
They blew it. We dig deeper.

Jesus Christ are we assraped

  • 3
    To the deeper web then, Let's tor their asses. I also like onion.
  • 4
    What does privacy have to do with article 13? I have not yet read the text yet but I dont see how this invades privacy?

    Yes I am against it (as far as I know the content) but I have yet to find out about anything privacy related.
  • 2
    @Codex404 german government is discussing a law that would make it illegal to host a Tor node (or equal services, like VPN) as you enable other people to do illegal stuff by hosting such services. This is not Art. 13/17 or whatever though
  • 2
    @b3b3 so does being an ISP also become illegal? And how about car dealerships? I know I can commit ton of crimes with a car.
  • 1
    @Codex404 well I don't fucking know what their goal is besides fucking citizens in their asses
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