Do devranters think that Reason(ML) is too late to the game to compete against TypeScript...or can it ride React success to become more than a niche?

Personally I like it, but, like with F#, I don't enjoying the lack of resources every time I need to get something done.

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    Something like ReasonML isn't going to have the popularity of react or whatever. ML family is too alien for the average dev.
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    Maybe. But, React and it's "encouragement" of functional JavaScript are moving devs closer to that model---even if implicitly.

    And, once you experience the level of type inference these languages offer, it's addictive.
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    I think you're on to something, especially with your comment about devs moving closer to that model implicitly. And who knows, maybe the moldy back end devs who hate JS will give front end some recognition if we switch it up a bit.
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    There were probably people on this world that once said COBOL is enough.
    There were probably people who were telling who needs car if we got horse.
    Time will tell...
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    Hi, ocaml dev here. Was at reasoncon like two weeks ago and saw a lot of success stories with reason. I gotta say i fucking hate reasonreact, mainly because of the react part tho. There are plenty resources if you look for the ocaml way instead of reason, they are literally the same.
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