Working on a custom Chromium OS board at the moment

So boards in Chromium OS are specialized versions of Chromium OS built for a specific hardware while maintaining upstream compatibility.

I built a board specifically to be as near as CloudReady's compatibility table as possible, so this is what I have at the moment:

* Most hardware works (Libinput)

* Still working on supplying Nvidia drivers using nouveau (Google insists using OSS drivers, we can't use NVIDIA drivers)

* Still working on making Crostini GPU-enabled by default so I don't always terminate it via vmc

* ARC works as per the open sourced Android Runtime but I need help making the Play Store working

Overall its a bit stable but if anyone's down I'll replicate it on a GitHub repository and I'll let everyone contribute their changes. The aim of the custom board is to:

* Make it work on most hardware possible

* Add android support with APK installation (FydeOS has this but I can't replicate it in CrOS).

* Produce a close to Chrome's release channel.

Here's a screenshot of me using it, it works but I'll need to start over from scratch to make it more contributable

  • 12
    Yes officer this one right here.
  • 1
    what's the 'custom board'? highly doubt you did it all from scratch, so some SBC?
  • 1
    @HampusMa im laughing in tears, sorry op, post sounds very interesting.
  • 3
    @JoshBent boards in Chromium OS context is not a physical board but a Gentoo EBUILD overlay. The point of having a Chromium OS board is to allow you to use Chromium OS for your hardware but might need special packages like drivers that doesn't come preinstalled with the base board overlay.
  • 1
    @caramelCase I'm confused on what you're doing exactly then, trying to bloat it up to fit all hardware possible?..
  • 3
    @JoshBent not exactly boating it up, since CR images were supporting enough hardware inside a 1.0 GB compressed Chromium OS image, that's small yet diverse in support. The complete aim here is to get enough proper hardware support without affecting the image size too much, ie, make everything fit to a small USB drive. To do this, we have to build on a kernel with hardware support baked in them plus some Libinput parts and additional drivers for those who need it.
  • 0
    @caramelCase Nice wallpaper! (focusing on the wrong thing here...)
  • 0
    That bottom bar looks horrifying.

    I don't like overly round corners. icons look mice though.
  • 0
    can you guys be any less nice to op? or did you just max out?
  • 0
    *cough cough* uh could you possibly um *cough cough* post the wall paper *COUGH COUGH COUGH*
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