Stop hating on PHP! Version 7 along with Laravel have brought it back to life.

  • 4
    Yeah I'm pretty tired of all the hate PHP gets. If you don't use it like an idiot, it's totally fine.
  • 13
    There's no hate on PHP, there's a hate on unskilled PHP developers.
  • 0
  • 1
    PHP shaming
  • 0
    Wordpress is the new java.
  • 0
    Aaand. F**k, it dead again.
  • 0
    I find it interesting how the majority of people say Wordpress when talking about PHP. It's ridiculous. Legacy php code without a framework is horrible but any modern mvc framework makes you use framework methods and classes to do stuff.

    Laravel is the perfect example. Heck, i even managed to do stuff MUCH simpler with Laravel than my coworkers with .net and entity.

    Make code, not war :)
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