Daily standups- yea or nay?

  • 8
    Daily? What for? Unless project is too close to its deadline. Else I think twice a week is enough
  • 4
    My vote goes to "nay".

    - Mostly they're misused for micromanagement and/or useless "status updates". You know, the pattern "yesterday I did... Now I do... Next up is...". Unless I collaborate with a person I DON'T CARE and if I do I know the status anyway.
    - In Scrum in particular the purpose is to plan the work for the day. I've literally never seen the daily used like that. And besides I'm a grown up, I plan work as needed. No need for standing in a circle, holding hands.
  • 5
    Major projects: yay
    Keeping up with everyone's progress can be important, especially when you have dependencies on other people in the team, or catching up to those dependencies.

    Daily bullshit: nay
    No one got time for "fixing bug 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,995"
  • 5
    As long as they are 20 mins at most
  • 1
  • 2
    We have one daily, 15 min allocated, and we have scoring sessions rolled into them twice a week.

    It does consume a lot of time, but I’ve come into a team where agile is still fairly new-ish, and it’s a good way of ensuring visibility and accountability.
  • 4
    It really depends on how they're managed. My team sits in 4 different offices in 3 different time zones. We get on a video conference every day for about 15 minutes just to check in.

    A lot of it is for the scrum master and the manager to be able to keep track of what is going on in the project, but I'd rather get on a call for 15 minutes at the same time every day than have the manager come by my desk when I'm in the middle of something and talk my ear off for 10.
  • 2
    Usually a waste of time.
  • 1
    If they are until 10 min then yes
  • 0
    It’s important in my job because there’s an adversarial thing going on between dev and ops and we have to document when they fuck with us. I think MWF would still be sufficient, or TWTh
  • 1
    @ganjaman twenty? I consider 5 minutes a lot already
  • 0
    Clear yay, when done properly without much time waste.
  • 0
    Nay, if you know how to communicate you don’t need a babysitter calling everyone to class time so they can catch up.
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