Fellow Freelancers, can you recommend a platform you use to track and share project progress with your clients?

What do you typically use to keep clients updated about project status? There a Fancy SaaS solution or do you use a simple excel file??

Would like some ideas and recos!

  • 0
    @M1sf3t thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.
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    @Humanoid- do you have an example on how you use Trello with a client for a project? Are all todo tasks individual Trello items and it becomes your Kanban board, essentially?
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    I've used www.asana.com in the past with a client who wanted to see where i was working on what because asana shows task dependency, so the client knew "oh they're working on this which will lead to this and then finally to the thing i want"
  • 1
    I would use something like trello/gitlab (if it exits for clients project) for specific tasks (get detailed as to avoid those painful, “ it took you x hours to complete y?” Coversations. and then a separate tool for time (tons of good ones out there). I’ve heard of other platforms that offer free invoicing, tax preparation (perhaps super useful if freelance is your main source of income), but haven’t gotten a chance to try them myself. Might also depend on how involved your client is, (i.e. checking in several times a day vs once a week)
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