
Apple just announced a new 6k monitor. The stand for it is NOT included and will cost $1000.

This snapshot of the presentation is meme-worthy.

...People will still buy it.

  • 7
    $999 is nothing for Pros lel
  • 17
    I wish China make a knock-off very soon!
  • 2
    @Haxk20 "sorry m8 we need an Apple repair Genius from across the contry to verify that your broken stand is actually broken and have them replace it. Only takes around 4 weeks to get him here."
  • 5
    This must be the work of an enemy 「stand」
  • 34
    $999 isn't for pros, but what about $9999 and RGB?
  • 10
    What if they'd presented it like "the monitor will cost $6000. If you don't want the stand you get $1000 off." Many professionals buy monitors without stands to use with their existing setup.

    Got this from (MKBHD)
  • 13
    I was watching this live and the second they announced that the stand was separate and for $1k, the whole room fell into chatter, and they rushed it back to Tim very quickly. It was funny af
  • 3
    @err-occured I didn't see it live but I saw the video of that moment. Painfully hilarious.
  • 0
    You have to buy a VESA adapter if you want to use your own stand. No no idea what that costs though.
  • 4
    @olback the VESA adapter was presented right before the stand at $199.
  • 0
    @olback you have to buy the vesa mount or you have to buy the stand. There are no 2 ways about it, you can’t mount it without either one
  • 0
    @KartSriv that’s the one, so funny on how they have gone:

    You want this monitor, well that’s $5k, but your going to need something to stand it on, so for the privilege of being able to do so, here is a stand for $1k.

    It seems Apple is copying RED’s principles and charging extra for everything. Just be thankful the the power cable and display cables aren’t proprietary like hell and they are not charging $500 per cable.

    If you don’t know what I’m on about, see LinusTechTips unbox a RED camera
  • 2
    That stand better cook my dinner if I'm gonna pay that much!
  • 1
    Damn you were quicker to post it, btw did you all notice how they skip the slide when the stand came onscreen? i think it broke the sound barrier not to mention the whole crown was like:

    first 3 sec: silence..
    next 2 sec: wtf.. wtf.. wtf..
    next 3 sec: all laughing..
  • 0
    Kidney?? Now they want us to sell our whole body
  • 2
    That's meant to be $9.99 right? They just missed the decimal point?
  • 1
    just drill holes in the monitor to stick a VESA on it

  • 2
    Ah nice a multi functional stand! You can use it to hang yourself too when you're sick of Apple shite.
  • 1
    Just stick it to your VESA mount with double sided tape.
  • 2
    @periculum just don't buy the monitor, maybe?
  • 1
    @Parzi was not planning to. Happy with a normal ultrawide
  • 2
    @periculum or hire a person to hold it while you're working 😁
  • 1
    There was a Hitler rant parody made on this on YouTube. Go watch it, it's amazing.
  • 1
  • 1
    @duckWit exactly. 🤣🤣
  • 1
    @OmerFlame just finished watching it, that was great!
  • 0
    Xiaomi Mi Stand 3
  • 0
    @sgzadrian is will pay for this willingly. Finally, a product that has truly achieved sentience.
  • 0
    Total bullshit does it come with wings
  • 0
    If u cant afford the display, at least you can buy the stand and use it with your current display. Its a choice.

    Heck, coders even spent thousands for their “chair”, where they put their butt on all the time. Even spent thousands on “sneakers”, where they put their feet in, just becoz its a “limited” edition.. $999 for a “different” stand, which differentiate you from others? Thats something people will consider.

    Same like buying a cheap wrist watch, and a rolex. Both still does the same thing, it just tells time. Why do people buy the rolex? Because they want to be different..and because they can.

    So if you want this $999 stand for yourself? Just get it. Fuck what others think.
  • 0
    @pai-shinoda true. Do what you want. We'll have to agree to disagree though on what you get out of a $999 monitor stand. A watch that expensive and a chair that expensive have arguably much more to offer in comparison than a really (overly) expensive monitor stand.
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