A wild Tomcat has appeared.

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    It's still in active development so why not... ok besides the bit where I'm pretty sure we are pst the days of JSP.
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    @C0D4 it's tomcat6. Jsp was a thing when tomcat6 was mainstreem.

    Also I don't see jsp mentioned anywhere. Are you assuming?
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    @Haxk20 Slovak :) but I am living in Prague
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    @netikras @C0D4 🤔 I should learn something about web dev in Java... Right now I am trying to embed jetty:// into a standalone jar which would allow me to easily manage all the Minecraft and Factorio servers I've been tasked with managing, developing and maintaining from a web console, instead of having to log in to each server via SSH.

    Edit: Unsuccessfully of course... So right now I have two versions... one in Node.js and one in Java, neither of them working because embedding/writing a web server that supports SSL/TLS is hard af...
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    @bytecode why not just go w/ SpringBoot and embedded tomcat? Boot does most of the job for you
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    @Haxk20 nazdar, ja už som vedel že si slovák len asi nevieš kto som, mal som prezývku D3add3d
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    If i could get people off tomcat and java altogether i would. JVM's make for TERRIBLE scalability, and anything that's in tomcat is guaranteed not to be a microservice. Just a waste of development resources imo.
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