
Should I setup pi hole?

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    Can‘t go wrong with that
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    @grumpyoldaf could explain why,

    Main concern is blocking domains that I might need or it just overall being buggy.
  • 3
    If your blocking for entire network, sure.

    If your just blocking for your self, use ublock or something.
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    @Alice yea, ublock for laptops, adBlock for iOS... I do enjoy the Ad-less world.
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    No. I don't mind ads
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    Yes. It is worth the little effort
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    get a real computer and install pf-sense

    also, your raspi with pihole would be a bottleneck if you've got a fast internet connection as the ethernet is capped to 600mbs.
  • 5
    @heyheni I'd be really confused if you resolved so much DNS that you need a 600mbit port.
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    sorry for spreading missinformation :(

    but doesn't get all the traffic get routed through pihole in order to get filered? I have a fiber 1 gigabit connection so i'm worried that the 600mbs raspi network speed is too slow?
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    shut your pi hole!

    seriously now, try privoxy too
  • 1
    1. Yes
    2. Absolutely
    3. Do it now
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    @iamroot that's no big deal, you can whitelist domains.
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    @irene bcz I don't want it. And the OP did not express any interest in it either [only asked whether he should]. Then why bother..
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    Do you need to load ads due to work stuff?
  • 1
    Only if you don't like adverts and bring tracked by everyone. After almost a year I still get amazed to see on some days as much as 50% of my dns requests being blocked.
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    @mundo03 not specifically but I do works with Google ads now and then
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    Follow your dreams, just do it.
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    Yes. Maybe when advertising/data collection companies would give easy opt-in methods and would start to actually handle the collected data secure and wouldn't try to track the living shit out of me, I'd consider not blocking stuff...
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