I have this old lady that I help from time to time with her computer issues.

She is nice, so I feel compelled to help her.

Get a call one day.

Lady : "hello, my internet and email isn't working, I've tried everything, could you maybe help me?"

Me : "Sure, ill come over after work and check it out"

*arrive at her house*

Lady : "you see, none of the web pages load, and my email refuses to sync. Should I call (insert isp name), or can you fix it?"

Me : I'm sure I can get it, gimme a sec.

*find the issue in a sec or two, dunno how to tell her about it, she isn't totally stupid*

Me : "Uhh, I don't know if you checked, but the ether.. internet cable isn't plugged in"

Lady : *realizes the wtf moment I'm having, obviously feeling very stupid*

Me : "Don't worry, happens to the best of us"

Obviously I lied a little, most of us would probably check the damn cable. Sometimes is just better to make people not feel like its their fault. People learn better when they don't feel like something is making a fool of them.

I have helped this lady with so many things that are just straight out of this world.

The one time she tried emailing 37mb tiff files over her 315kbps network.

Another time she said her email was not syncing, so I went to her house and clicked the "sync" button.

She even once phoned me to get their wifi password.

I just like helping her, somehow it makes me feel as if we all have something to learn.

  • 37
    Good on you man. I'm tired of hearing whine and bitch about people asking them for some help with IT
  • 30
    @xroad to me, it comes down to wether or not they take it for granted, this lady always understands if Im really busy and cant make it.

    But if people take it for granted I tend to not help them anymore.

    Another cool thing with older people is they usually give me a good dinner or some cake and coffee for helping them.

    I feel it is important to help people, maybe one day you'll need help too.
  • 3
    Nice story, thanks for sharing! :)
  • 1
    Nice one.
  • 11
    The best part is that she asked nicely.

    See, asking nicely gets people to feel bad about not helping you.
  • 1
    We need more people like you!
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