Client: I can't login with my lastpass
Me: Oh, why not, how are you trying?
Client: So, I've entered my lastpass password into my bank account, and it says 'wrong login credentials'
Me: °-°

  • 7
    Almost like lastpass is trying to solve a certain problem when it comes to password security
  • 4
    There used to be a password manager that would replace the master password with the site password when you typed it in a password box
    So your client is not stupid at all
  • 3
    @fuck2code "there used to be" for a reason. The client is in his 20s and asked me 2 months ago "what's a password manager"

    Also, take a joke. YOu sound like you are real fun at the party.
  • 3
    @marvinpoo „digital native“ my arse
  • 4
    @marvinpoo hol up, did you get your panties in a bunch just because I said that thing exists?
  • 1
    @fuck2code "used to be"
  • 1
    @possum so true. All they know is how to post "cute" food on instagram :P
  • 3
    > take a joke
    Dude I don't even understand what you are trying to say
  • 1
    ++ for making me genuinely laugh
  • 0
  • -1
    @marvinpoo imagine making fun of someone because they pointed out something exists. That'd be stupid, right? Right? Oh wait.

    Go fuck yourself mate
  • 0
    stupid people be like "I am out of arguments, so I say something that hasn't happened and then insult the other one, so I can feel better"

    If you have no humor, go to stackexchange meta.
  • 0
    @marvinpoo I still don't understand what pisses you off so much
  • 0
    @fuck2code Also, feel free to name that password manager and enlighten everyone of us.
  • 0
    @fuck2code this rant is clearly labeled as humor. What you do is like going in a club and turn off the music because it's to loud and makes no sense to you. That's the problem.
  • 0
    @marvinpoo we both know no one will win this so I'll call it off, you win
  • 0
    @fuck2code "win"? How is this about winning? That's the problem I see here: Someone did a joke you didn't like, and instead of being a reasonable person and go to the next post, you start ruining it, beeing annoying and >insulting<, just because you want to "win" whatever the f. you tried to "win".
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