So, What's the average net salary in your country? (After deducting taxes and all)

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    median salery in Zurich Switzerland
    around 6000 to 7000 USD
    You'll need $4000 to survive and $4500-5200 for a decent life. That's usually the amount cashiers at supermarkets make.
    Devs usually earn $6800 up to $12'000 as there are many big banks in Switzerland.

    1 CHF = 1 USD
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    @heyheni how does one get a job in Switzerland πŸ˜…
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    @myss are you a 10x engineer? πŸ˜„
    Joke a side. You're from Czech Republic right? As a EU citicen you're in luck. Switzerland is part of Schengen. So your free to move and work in Switzerland. But there is a caveat. As our right wing populist party svp won the stupid "switzerland first" referndum, jobs must be given to swiss people first. So Job hunting is a bit harder but not impossible.

    How's your nΔ›mecky (german)?

  • 1
    Thanks for more detailed summary and links mate. Well my German is almost non-existent but would like to learn it in future if occasion arise.

    You deffo gave me some materials to think now, just contacted old friend from Bern to hear a little more about how's it going there :D

    Soo yeah, who knows, maybe see you some day there.. :)
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    @myss here a guide

    from the Facebook page english speaking jobs Switzerland.
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    @heyheni Vielen Dank! βœŒπŸ™‚
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    In Latvia it is very low. In Riga I would say 1k euros, but outside 500-600. Minimum wage is 430 euros. All before tax. I probably will be either stop being a dev or be a dev in other countries because it is easier to do brainless drone job for better pay. Companies in Latvia are with stone age mentality and don't understand that developing software costs a lot and are not wiling to pay decent money for it.
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    heyheni, for jobs in Switzerland there is also:

    the cool thing is that every offer has salary ranges
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