
Just wanna throw this out there...

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    le boss when you tell him it can't be done in half an hour 😬
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    Nice 😅
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    @DeWil @myss Well done! Now, for maximum efficiency, k suggest posting it on other social networks (in that specific order!):
    1. Reddit
    2. Imgur
    3. 9gag
    4. Tumblr
    5. Ifunny
    6. Facebook
    7. Instagram

    Optional step: repost it in devRant :D

    You'll make sure to take a badly cropped screenshot with a watermark so that the end user will be able to follow the process. Also, losing some pixels every time is a must have.

    PS: I suggest the name "surprised Viking".
  • 2
    @Jilano repost on devRant is not optional, they are bonus points, I've already set a reminder to do it once monthly.

    Don't worry, we'll still remember you guys once we're famous 😎
  • 1
    @myss That's why I love you guys on DevRant 😆
  • 1
    Yo angelo
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