I don't fucking care if you don't understand what I'm trying to convey, I've documented how to configure email with your fucking iPhone (even though I don't own one), I will not fucking guide some FUCKING idiot from management to teach them configure the same documented thing.

It's fucking email, you log in with your credentials and settings are fetched, how is this difficult to understand you FUCKING idiot?!?!??

Also, pic related, translation "I don't give rat's ass" or "I don't fucking care"

  • 3
    >you pick one
    >You login
    >You wait a few min for it to sync up
    >you done

    Far out, this screen shot was more complicated!!!
  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere he is.
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere he is also someone who writes it in the profile
  • 2
    @stop That is not the question, though. His question was, "is it only used by Aussie?"
  • 3
    @Jilano I think so
    @RantSomeWhere we Aussies have to have our ways
  • 3
    @C0D4 we use it in the US as well. Although it is mostly associated with California surfer dudes
  • 3
    @AleCx04 Australia. Surfers, these things go together.
  • 2
    @C0D4 according to stereotypes damn near your entire fauna is out to get you in Australia. If y'all surf on them waters(beautiful as they are) then my complete admiration goes to you all :P it explains why most Australians I know are complete beasts :P
  • 3
    @AleCx04 when you live in a country that's out to kill you, you may as well embrace the challenge.
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