
Ok so I was fetching some JSON data from a SQL database server and loading it on the front-end. Every single data is being loaded onto the table except for a single data column, which is empty.

Hmmm... So I go and check my code... everything looks fine.
Then I console.log the JSON (using .stringify() of course), all the values from the table are present in the printed out JSON.

Ok, now I am really pissed.

Long story short...
I had misplaced a single 'i' in the SQL statement, I had included the 'í' (the i-acute) character instead. And since I was using an alias in the query statement, no error was shown.

  • 0
    Damn, got spot though, how long did it take ye to find it? Welcome btw!
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Didnt take long, I spotted the curved dot on top of the 'i' in like 5 seconds after inspecting my redux store (I used ReactJs with redux for front-end)
  • 0
    I’m curious to what keyboard you’re using to make that mistake.
  • 0
    @HughRant No I pressed the windows shortcut key to change language by mistake (it was Windows + Space) and didnt realise it
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