
Vivaldi released a beta for mobile yesterday! I'm enjoying it very much, so far. Anybody else played with it?

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    ChRoME iS BaD MkAy
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    The dog or the musician ?
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    The interface seems nice so far, the default search engine is questionable (Bing), and the browsing experience is fine. I'm looking forward to where it goes from here.
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    Yeah, I was pleased though that they support changing the default search to duckduckgo, and several others. Support for custom search URLs would be nice, but I can live a full, happy life with the current options.
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    I tried Vivaldi a few times but I don't know why I should use it over Firefox. I mean on the desktop it has a nicer vertical tab bar, but that doesn't make sense on smartphones.
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    I've found that on the desktop, khtml/webkit-based browsers work better for telephony, so that's what I use it for, over there. On mobile though, I am not a big fan of the design decisions behind firefox. Opera mini would be great, if they only allowed DDG as a search provider. They did not, the last time I tried them. Also, they had a greater focus on data collection and sale, whereas vivaldi's commitment to privacy is similar to firefox's. They collect some data for their own metrics, but claim it isn't used beyond that. In the current climate, I am inclined to believe them, as a scandal like that would probably destroy them.
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    @12bitfloat @SirVicco excellent job at contaminating a serious post, guys

    try shutting tfu next time.

    what's so special about it op?
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    @jesustricks people will see there are many comments and maybe check for yours and give it a ++. Thank me later.

    As I'm too stupid and not a pro dev, I'm bad a ranting about it. That's why I comment much.

    Also I consider these "okay" jokes/comments. But I'd ask that you stay polite even if this kind of humour doesn't fit you or others. Use -- next time.

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    I've been a big fan of the desktop app from the start. For one thing, they've always supported linux, even if it's not the biggest market for them. That shows me that their commitment to user satisfaction is not just financial. The tab management in their desktop app is the best I have ever seen on any browser.

    So if they release a mobile browser, my attention is preloaded, as they've impressed me so much on the desktop. I've been playing with it for a day or so, and I've been very impressed with the snappy UI and breadth of features. Dark mode and duckduckgo on day 1. Strong support for launching apps for certain URLs, private tabs, good bookmark management, sync if you want it(though I haven't tried it), the ability to securely save a number of pieces of data that someone might want to save(credit cards, addresses, etc), and a number of other nice features.
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    @bahua interesting points.

    I have tried dozens of browsers in the past, but the thing that keeps me tied to chrome is that the chrome devtools has an exceptional UI (I'm a web developer), way ahead of what other browsers offer (sadly).

    if I had a alternative that could match that level, I would have happily dropped chrome already.
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    @jesustricks what about Firefox dev
    I love their dev tools
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    @inhamul yeah, but it's not as good as chrome's.

    at least for the 8 hours a day usage I've been using chrome for the past 5 years, but still a subjective experience.
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    @jesustricks started using firefox dev 4 years ago, and I kinda loved it (was always a google hater, lol, so tried to not to use their product unless it was absolutely necessary).
    Anyway loved the default dark mode of firefox dev, I am aware that chrome has a dark mode now, but still....

    Still ur correct this can be a subjective opinion
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