
A friend sent me this saying that this has windows on it, I put it in my computer to show him that it doesn't work
Now my PC doesn't power on
I mean WTF

  • 11
    At best: Wait for the Polyfuse of the power supply to reset.
  • 9
    Buy a new computer and hope that your harddrives are ok.
  • 1
    @sbiewald what's that how does it work
  • 28
    Well, the first thing you should do is beat up your "friend" good and hard.
  • 9
    @metamourge @h3kt1c0 and let him pay the new. Take the he could afford on a payment plan.
  • 4
    I just want to know what happened
    And why that piece of iron is so harmful
  • 14
    @h3kt1c0 To prevent a destruction of the power supply it is equipped with fuses.
    A poly fuse is a special one, that does not need replacement but takes a little time to reset.
    I once plugged in a USB stick in the wrong direction (cheap hub where this was possible, leading to a short circuit and triggering this fuse. Two minutes later, it was fine again.
  • 1
    @sbiewald hmm ok I will wait
  • 23
    Could be a USB zapper device, built to destroy PCs. Or it generates a short circuit which can damage crappy mainboards. Or maybe the PSU is damaged instead, or in addition.

    Solution: wait a bit, buy replacement mainboard / PSU if the problem persists. You can try to get used parts to cut down the cost.

    And sue your "friend" for damage compensation.
  • 2
    @sbiewald it been 30 minutes and still no
  • 4
    My PC have crappy components and if I buy new motherboard I will have to buy new cpu,gpu,ram, etc
  • 2
    @h3kt1c0 Check on Ebay or so for a compatible used one.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop eBay? Better "pay 50$ for shipping,,
  • 3
    @h3kt1c0 Or check the local gargabe collection. Quite often, people ditch functional, but outdated PCs. Or maybe stitch together a PC from several broken ones with different defects.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop people in my country doesn't trash electronic things
    They trash food, clothes and other things like that
  • 1
    My last solution is to buy a cheap Thinkpad as my daily driver
  • 1
    @Nanos nothing there
  • 7
    Looks like a zapper key to me.
    Sue your "friend", or have him beat up good if you can't prove that he's the one who both supplied the key and mislead you into using it, because these things have a single purpose: fry computers.

    Unfortunately, the extent of the damage is always hard to judge other than by replacing parts little by little. Could be just a the power supply, could be anything else, could even be multiple.

    Also, of course, refrain from ever using it again (except maybe on your "friend"'s computer)
  • 5
    The zapper actually has a capacitor to deliver a powerfull shock, it fries the motherboard.

    This key seems like a chinese knockoff of the real thing which just short circuits
  • 1
    @CptFox can you give me a link that explains more about zapper keys and where you can buy one?
  • 3
    @h3kt1c0 This time should have been enough, I guess something else went wrong or the USB stick was malicious, like that one (https://usbkill.com/products/...).
  • 2
    Yeah, looks like a cheap short circuit USB.
    Fucking punch your friend.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER ikr
    He just put it in his laptop
  • 0
    @PrivateGER yes I saw some electric thingys but nothing happened with his laptop
  • 0
    I'm so mad rn
  • 0
    How am supposed to sysadmin without a PC :(
  • 6
    What a cry baby shit show.

    Get your shit together, read and in some distant future, provide some plus value for once you little prince imposter!

    For fucks sake.
    Every little information gathered here is computer basics and public commons.
    Your one and only achievement is triggering support junkies and helper syndrome creeps.

    The dirty remains of your profile and comments remind me of those Insta bitches talking like it's all about themselves. Aka 'but first, let me take a selfie'.
    Without you people the world would be a way better place!

    Fuck you in particular and I'll be glad to block your ass out of my feed and every possible platform.

  • 0
  • 0
    @Haxk20 no! hell no! i didnt tought a piece of iron can be so harmfull
  • 2
    @sbiewald it been 1 hour and like a half and now it works! thank you for the information!
  • 5
    Dude, don't plug random shit into your PC.
  • 4
    Yes you should totally plug "this has windows on it" into your pc.

    At least disassemble it so we can see if its a capacitor or just some dumb joke virus thing.
  • 0
    @tekashi it's just a piece of iron wtf
  • 0
    @kescherRant I plugged it so I can show to my friend that it doesn't work, it was a piece of iron,
  • 0
    @h3kt1c0 It's probably a USB killer though.
  • 1
    @tekashi @kescherRant I guess it is just defect. In any way, better to throw it away.
  • 0
    Buy a new computer and plug it in, just to see if it was a random occurrence.
  • 1
    @2Fdev2Ftcsh LMAO

    Anyways after 2 hours my PC is back up :)
  • 0
    @kescherRant it short circuited my PC
    Fixed after few hours
  • 1
    @Nanos my friend tried it's "USB killer" on his laptop and nothing happened lol just some sparkles but yeah nothing happened
    But my PC just powered off and it was not turning back on!
    I waited few hours and now it's back! So happy it's back
  • 1
    Check your Flux Capacitor. You probably destroyed it.
  • 0
    @h3kt1c0 If there were sparkles, it means that that laptop has some protection against it, and that it IS a USB killer.
  • 1
    @kescherRant my PC came back in 2 hours
  • 0
    Most of current atx dont have polyfuses. They have a normal fuse is on the input. The output short circuit protection is done using a current transformer.

    But some of them have polyfuses. It is unlikey tho
  • 1
    That isnt going to work if it is a pc killer
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