Your favorite linux distribution? Which window manager / desktop env do you use? I have a popOS from System_76 with default settings (so gnome) :-)

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    I can use anything but GNOME.
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    Artix with OpenRC with i3-gaps.
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    Void is pretty good, but Runit is a bit limited and it gives you a preconfigured initramfs instead of letting you generate it yourself.
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    I had trouble getting my WiFi up and running, but that was, because I didn't know that networkmanager needs dbus.
    Also xbps lacks some packages, that I'm used to in other distros.
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    Cinnamon and Mint. Perfect.
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    Doubt it actually tastes that good.
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    NixOS + DWM, for like 3 years now. Maybe testing i3 in the future :)
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    Manjaro with KDE
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    Same here. Really digging the Mint after spending years with xubuntu.
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    Gentoo Linux with Plasma.
    No systemd, though, I use OpenRC+eudev+elogind
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    Gentoo for me. But I use it with systemd simply because I am more accustomed to it (and have grown to like it).
    WM: awesome wm (extensible, enjoyable)
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    @metamourge 😂😂😂😂😂
    yep, OpenRC should die 😈😈😂😂😂😂😂😂
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    You just made an enemy for life.
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    @metamourge so be it 😏😎
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    @Jilano *ignores* xD
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    @Jilano just like u have the right to dream 😌
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    Default kubuntu with a dark theme. I might be a power user but I don't have time for customizations right now 😅
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    BtW i UsE aRcH wItH i3GaPs
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    But seriously, kde neon
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    KDE 💙

    I don't have a preferred distro anymore.
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    I'm also using PopOS :D
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    @flafi2000 Resource heavy, UI sucks big time, not very customizable = plugins = crashes, fps in games is a joke
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    @Jilano 😂😂😂
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    Ubuntu for Programming and Kali for Security needs (I’ll still program on it when necessary obvi). I don’t mind Parrot but I just prefer Kali.

    Also I love Raspbian.
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    i3. But I’m still annoyed how long it took for me to setup the way i liked it.
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    Arch is my favorite distro. I use i3 on my laptop and xfce on my desktop.
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    @flafi2000 Gnome 2 was fine. Gnome 3 decided they wanted to be touchscreen friendly everywhere which to them meant removing functionality I used all the time. Then Plasma got lighter and sexier and I can't go back. (I try enlightenment every now and then, but there's too little software that plays nicely with efl, which is a shame.)

    Also, I'm a Manjaro guy. I keep wanting to try other systems, but Fedora and SUSE often don't play well with my hardware (or I install them wrong) and Ubuntu just doesn't match the Arch way well enough to pull me back.
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    @metamourge not really.

    ... or I am just too old for stupid and fruitless flame wars...

    As a hint, my first one was Amiga vs Atari. 😉
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