
Using git without a GUI is like biking blind-folded. Sure you can do it but it's way easier if you see what's going on.

  • 36
    I find the opposite true, a gui hides everything that is actually going on.
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  • 17
    @arantr you push a button, it does 29 things you don't control.

    cli, you tell it what and how you want it done, and it does it.
  • 1
    @C0D4 what's that button that you don't know what it does? Push? Pull? Merge? It's just a GUI that runs git commands for you and visualizes the history
  • 8
    You're just as blind using git in the terminal as you are using a user interface. A better analogy would be that using git with a gui is like using a mobility scooter whereas using the terminal is like walking.
  • 3
    @halfflat There are plenty of other user interfaces to git tho. Github has their own which is quite nice, and sourcetree is also quite nice.

    The build in one tho, yeah I agree it sucks
  • 8
    Actually, I think using Git with a gui is like performing brain surgery with salad tongs
  • 5
    You're the vegan equivalent of git users.
  • 8
    Git is actually the only one that is shit with GUI
  • 4
    Our team is working both front end and back end in a project.all of us started as back end dev. A new front end guy (react) was hired and confused why we don't use gui app for git, and so we told him about git cli and taught him. Now he haven't touched any git gui for a year
  • 2
    Start with a GUI, learn it until you understand what's going on under the hood, then switch back to CLI. (It's like starting with Ubuntu and then switching to Arch Linux)
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    It's down to preference. Both are equally valid. I prefer using sourcetree, because pull, push, commit, merge, fetch, all work fine. Resets also work fine. What else you need daily?
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    After years of using git CLI, GUI would be a complete counterintuitive way of doing git
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    Which is why I use both a GUI and a CLI.
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    And that's true for more than just Git. It's true for most things I do on a computer.
  • 5
    Git CLI with aliases and Neovim, you can't be faster than me even when merging conflicts
  • 3
    Interesting how people see this...

    At my previous employer I always had a challenge with my coworker: Who could merge their branch faster?
    Him: Gui + Beyond Compare
    Me: Mintty + kdiff3

    I always won.

    A Gui is nice when you only commit, push and pull. Anything more complex than that? Forget it.

    But I have to mention, that we were on a big Software Suite with a dozen submodules, where some had submodules on their own.
  • 2
    This analogy makes no sense, whatsoever. I would say git GUI is more like iPhone, while git cli is more like Android. IPhone is nice for the simplicity, but it's also missing a lot of features because of it - just as git cli vs git GUI.
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    @C0D4 @arantr you guys looking so much alike yet having so different mindsets is cracking me up lol
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    I'm just weird, I keep a gui open to visualize the history easily, but nearly everything else is done via the cli.
  • 4
    Oh nope. I find git cli way more easy to use.
  • 2
    Git GUI sounds super painful. Are they leaving off access to some flags or is it all in there but hard to find anything? How do you add your own aliases for common tasks? How does it handle multiple remotes?
  • 3
    I don't mind using a GUI (Github, anyone ;) ) but I'm faster with a CLI...
  • 2
    @skydhash I don't mind the GitHub GUI but that's also because I only expect it to do a very small portion of what I need to do with Git. I don't think it would be even possible to replicate a full git workflow with just the GitHub GUI.
  • 1
    Funny how strong opinions people have on this topic, me included of course.
  • 1
    @arantr seeking for the perfect workflow, it's not comfortable hearing (reading) you're on the wrong path 8D
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